1984 Royal College of Art
1981 Maidstone College of Art
Solo shows
2008 Stewart Helm Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
2007 Stewart Helm Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
2000 Feed Me, Nigel Coates Gallery, London
2000 Man and Nature Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
1997 Stewart Helm The Atrium, London
1995 Having Eaten Me, Todd Gallery, London
1995 Stewart Helm Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
1993 Stewart Helm Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
1992 Stewart Helm Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
1988 Stewart Helm Carlile Gallery, London
1986 Stewart Helm Carlile Gallery, London
1984 Stewart Helm Contemporary Arts Festival, Canterbury
Group shows
2018 Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
2017 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London
2016 Modern Nature, The Fine Arts Society, London
2016 The Nakeds, The De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea
2015 The Nakeds, Drawing Room, London
2004 Under Different Circumstances, Atlanta Contemporary Art Centre
1996 Gramercy International Arts Fair, Jibby Beane, New York
1994 Art Miami, Galerie Timothy Tew, Miami
1993 Project Unité, Le Corbusier, Firminy, France
1993 Water-Colour, Curwen Gallery, London
1992 Sacred, Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta
1991 The Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London
1990 A Walk on the Wild Side, Pomeroy Purdy, London
1990 Print Show, Carlile Gallery, London
1987 Holy Matter, Carlile Gallery, London
1987 Drawings, Carlile Gallery, London
1986 Small Works, Carlile Gallery, London
1986 New Works, Barbican Centre, London
1985 Whitechapel Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London
1984 Christie’s Inaugural – Pick of the Graduates, London
1983 New Contemporaries, ICA, London
1982 British Drawing, Hayward Gallery, London